Colorado Performing Arts Jamboree History


History of The Jamboree and Guide

Venture West has been producing tradeshows to connect Colorado artists and buyers since 1988. Since 1993, we have proudly produced The Colorado Performing Arts Jamboree, an annual trade show featuring an exhibit hall teeming with the vitality of all genres of the performing arts and, in many years, a showcase of brief adjudicated performances by a cross-section of our state’s finest performers.


We have also produced biennially The Guide to Colorado Performers, a desktop resource for buyers of performances featuring factual information for any performer or agent who pays a nominal fee and fills out an information form. Between 1993 and 2012 our partner in these efforts was the Colorado Parks and Recreation Association (CPRA); as of 2013, CPRA moved from partner to supporter.


We've created these tools to serve arts professionals who hire for community arts series, senior centers, and programs for children, as well as special events, festivals, and corporate gatherings.


Our intention from the beginning has been to create a relaxed and friendly environment for artists and buyers to do business; to provide an opportunity for Colorado artists to find jobs; and a place for presenters to not only see and hear the artists’ work, but to also have the opportunity to meet and talk one-on-one with the performers and agents.


Over the years the Jamboree and Guide have become known as the marketplace for Colorado performing arts. Our thanks to all who have made this project so successful! By working together we strengthen the cultural climate of our state and create a vibrant and diverse arts environment in which both artists and presenters may develop professionally.

Resources for Colorado Performers and Presenters since the 20th Century